Contact Wenhaston Primary School

There are a variety of ways you can contact Wenhaston Primary School. You can visit the school, email, telephone or  write. 

If you try to contact us out of hours then we will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible.  


Wenhaston Primary School   

Hall Road



IP19 9EP



01502 478328

Social Media:


Headteacher: Mr Chris Stone 

SENDCO: Mrs Anna Stephenson

Chair of Governors: Revd. Dominic Doble

Business Manager: Mrs Victoria Cowley


Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher - Mr Chris Stone 

Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Rachel Flynn 

Prevent Lead - Mr Chris Stone

Paper Copies

If you require a free paper copy of anything on this website, please do not hesitate to contact the office staff with your request.