Please contact the school office for information regarding applying for a school place. Application forms are available for downloading on the Suffolk County Council HERE or from the school office.
Entry to Reception or High School will need to be made directly to the Local Authority.
If you are considering transferring to our school, please contact us to see if we have spaces in your child's required year and to arrange a tour.
Contacting the local authority
Wenhaston’s detailed admissions policy
Admissions Information
We hope that you have enjoyed finding out about life at Wenhaston. If you would like to make an application for your child to join our school, please visit where you will find lots of information about the application process.
Suffolk County Council’s Admission Team can be contacted on 0345 600 0981. Our friendly office team are also on hand to answer any questions you may have and they can be contacted by telephone on 01502 478328 or by email to
Alternatively, why not pop in for a chat, we will be very happy to help!