
The Wenhaston Way


Our approach and aims -

At Wenhaston  we aim to nurture children’s mathematical development; allowing them to grow in confidence, aim high and become resilient learners. It is our explicit intention that our whole school vision is embedded in our teaching of maths.  We teach Maths in an engaging, creative and varied way; following a mastery approach. We want our children to enjoy the subject and understand its importance in the wider world

We deliver a mastery approach to mathematics using the White Rose schemes of learning. This program breaks down the mathematics curriculum into small-steps, which are designed to ensure that all pupils learn and understand concepts clearly and deeply, e.g. focussing on one key point each lesson. Links are made within units of work, as well as across units - referring back to earlier units - to help pupils make connections. Teaching and learning involves opportunities for modelling, discussing, practising, applying across a range of contexts and focuses on making mathematics fun for children and helping them to find enjoyment in numbers and number problems.

We prioritise the use of the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract - see example below) throughout the school, which is included within our Calculation Policy. Our mastery approach is underpinned by the 5 big ideas: mathematical thinking, fluency, variation, coherence and representation and structure. These can be viewed here

EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) variations: EYFS also use White Rose Maths to deliver discrete daily maths sessions which are then built on and extended in the provision.  Children are taught in a way that promotes play, social skills and the development of mathematical language and understanding through real life contexts. Children are encouraged to answer in full sentences using key mathematical vocabulary to justify their ideas. 

Timetable expectations

Fast maths sessions - 10/15 mins at least 3 x per week  - These sessions are timetables outside of daily maths sessions and provide opportunities to practise quick and accurate recall of number facts and improve calculation skills. Examples of activities for these sessions include number bond or times table practice, playing Times Tables Rock Stars or Numbots, Big Maths, arithmetic quizzes or recap sessions.

EYFS and KS1 follow the Mastering Number program for their fast maths sessions. 

What you will see in every classroom -

Recording and Marking

All work is to be recorded in blue (squared) maths books, with a date and clear objective linked to the learning. Recording for lessons could be in the form of photos, jottings and/or questions completed in their books.

Writing standard and presentation should be on par with work in English and topic books. Children must write in pencil and use a ruler where needed. Children can mark their own books where appropriate, teacher marking should be done in line with the school marking policy. Teachers will encourage corrections where necessary and give next steps where appropriate. Verbal Feedback should be evident throughout the workbooks. 

Progression -

Curriculum progression can be found here

Assessment and monitoring -

We use NTS Maths tests for all of our assessments (Autumn - Summer) and Years 2 and 6 complete Mock SATs throughout the year. 

Enrichment and extension -

Challenges are provided as extensions for daily lessons. These challenges are there to extend children's reasoning skills. The NCETM Mastery Assessment documents can be used as a starting point. 

Further resources for training and development -

NCETM PD Materials

DfE Maths Guidance 

Updated February 2024