The Wenhaston Way


Our approach and aims -

Our PE curriculum aligns with our whole-school vision through having the following aims:

Timetable Expectations -

At least 1 hour of timetabled PE each week. This hour is led by a specialist PE Coach, focusing on developing fundamental movement skills, sports-specific skills, and promoting physical literacy.

What you will see in every lesson - 

Recording and Marking

Assessment of PE will mainly be through ongoing teacher observation and professional judgment. This will be recorded in the class teacher's assessment file.

Scheme, resources and licences

Notes from P.E. Teacher: This is the basic, overall plan which will be followed by Wenhaston Primary. However, Term 3 Gymnastics will swap with Term 2 Dance as it’s a longer term and the children will explore the apparatus. Year 1 / Year 2 will have a few lessons of Dodgeball in Term 2 as it will link to upcoming regional sports tournaments. This will be the same for Year 3 / Year 4 in Term 3.

The Wenhaston Way for P.E covers the following areas

These core features of PE are then organised into five different core strands. Namely:

Teaching sequence for every class

Assessment and monitoring

Discussions with teachers will inform senior leadership of progress and knowledge retention.

Updated (November 2024)