Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Chris Stone and the Alternate Designated Leads are Mrs Flynn and Miss Knott. The PREVENT lead and Designated Teacher for children in care is Mr Stone. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr Doble
Parents should be aware that school takes its roles and responsibilities regarding the safeguarding or children very seriously and works in close partnership with parents to do so. The school will take any reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its pupils is maintained.
In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be at risk of harm, they have duty of care to make sure that this is addressed following the procedures outlines in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy below.
If you have any concerns in relation to safeguarding and child protection, please click this link and follow the guidance.
Online Safety at Home
Online Safety is about staying safe on the internet. Internet enabled devices such as computers, tablets and smart phones offer lots of new opportunities, but also present new risks. All children are taught e-safety at school using a variety of curriculum resources. You can access the Childnet website for support and advice for safe use of IT at home by clicking HERE OR The UK safer internet centre HERE
In school we proactively filter internet access to ensure that the children are not exposed to any inappropriate or adult material. If you are a customer of BT, Sky, TalkTalk or Virgin Media you can follow this guide to set-up parental controls on your internet access.
There is also a handy guide for parents whose children are using social media HERE