The Wenhaston Way


Our Aim - 

Taken from the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus

'R.E. makes a major contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It helps them to develop respect for and sensitivity towards others, in particular those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own.’

Our Whole School Aim and Vision - 

Timetable Expectations - 

R.E. is taught discretely in the afternoons for one hour according to each class' structured weekly timetable.

In every R.E lesson across the school at Wenhaston you will see - 

Recording and Marking - 

As per our marking and feedback policy

Recording and Marking - 

As per our marking and feedback policy

Resources needed - 

We use the Emmanuel project as our scheme of work for the teaching of Religious Education. 

Teaching Sequence in Every Class - 

The Emmanuel Project provides a clear teaching sequence for each unit, with three 'Explore' sections. Teachers should follow this sequence, adapting and differentiating as needed for their class. This is an overview: 

Vocabulary and Terminology Progression - 

The Emmanuel Project has a vocabulary list for each year group. These lists should be used to ensure progression in pupils' understanding of key terminology.

Link below: V2 The Emmanuel Project Scheme of Work Progression.pdf *

*Link above only available to teachers. Please contact the school for a copy. 

Assessment and Monitoring - 

Teachers should use a range of formative and summative assessment methods to monitor pupils' progress and understanding in R.E. This may include:

Updated (November 2024)