
Success in school is first and foremost about turning up!

Children who come to school more always do better. Please see Term Dates and School Day page for timings. 

Don't be late...

Attendance Vision

At Wenhaston Primary School, we believe that all children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential. We know that regular attendance is crucial for a child's academic success and overall well-being.

Our Expectations

We have a school-wide expectation of excellent attendance. We encourage all children to aim for 100% attendance, as this allows them to make the most of the learning opportunities available to them.

Why Attendance Matters

Good attendance:

If Your Child is Ill

Request for Leave in Term Time

Supporting Your Child's Attendance

Please click: Attendance Policy

Together, we can create a school environment where all children have the opportunity to thrive.

There are only 190 days school in a year - Aim for 100%