Forest School

The Wenhaston Way - 

Forest School

Our aim: Taken from Forest School Association 

Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

How our Forest School sessions aligns with our school aims and values:


Global and local citizenship - We want our learners to understand the importance to the natural world and have the courage to explore different natural habitats. 

Develop Resilient Learners: We want our learners to be inspired by the natural world, learn new skills, to challenge adversity and overcome challenges. 

Communication: We want our learners to feel confident and comfortable when talking to others in a group or in a 1 to 1 situation and put forward their thoughts and ideas effectively. 

Aim high: We want our Forest School sessions to inspire learners to take on new endeavours and encourage a wide range of aspirations.

Timetable expectations 

Forest School sessions are taught in blocks to each year group every wednesday. 

The timetable is set out here:

In every Forest School session at Wenhaston you will see links to the 6 principles of Forest School: 

Recording and Marking 

Children are observed in sessions and findings are used to plan the next sessions. 

Resources needed

Forest school resources are stored in the PE Cupboard in the playground. They consist of the following: 

Other resources are found on the school grounds such as: 

Texts Resources

Childrens Forest - Dawn Casey, Anna Richardson and Helen D Ascoli 

Play the Forest School Way 

Forest Craft 

Forest Woodcraft 

Teaching sequence in every class: 

The Forest School curriculum follows the patterns of the seasons and seasonal festivals and stories linking to many different cultures and beliefs. 

Sessions are child led and child centred with planned activities and games linked to the seasons. 

Forest school sessions link to the 6 principles of Forest School, following the Forest School ethos. More information can be found on the Forest School Association website.

Assessment and monitoring: 

Observations are made of the children through photographs and notes at each session.